Canadian rapper Drake, known for his high-stakes sports wagers, recently placed a $200,000 bet on Ferrari’s Charles Leclerc to win the Las Vegas Grand Prix. The bet sparked buzz among fans, with many revisiting the so-called "Drake curse" — a phenomenon where athletes or teams backed by the rapper often underperform.
The highly anticipated Las Vegas Grand Prix concluded with Mercedes securing a dominant one-two finish. George Russell claimed victory, followed by teammate Lewis Hamilton in second place. Ferrari’s Carlos Sainz Jr. rounded out the podium in third, while Leclerc finished just shy of the top three in fourth. Meanwhile, Red Bull’s Max Verstappen clinched his fourth consecutive Formula One World Championship by finishing fifth, ahead of McLaren’s Lando Norris in sixth.
Drake’s latest gamble added another chapter to his notorious track record in sports betting. Fans were quick to draw parallels to previous high-profile losses, including a $1 million bet on France to win the 2022 FIFA World Cup and $565,000 on Tyson Fury earlier this year. Despite the superstitions surrounding his bets, Drake continues to draw attention with his penchant for risking substantial sums on unpredictable outcomes.
While sports results depend on countless factors, the "Drake curse" remains a popular narrative among fans, adding intrigue to his wagers. As Formula One heads toward its finale in Abu Dhabi, it’s yet to be seen if Drake will place another bet or if his infamous streak will persist.